
Thursday, December 30, 2010

My word to you...

Life does not celebrate mediocrity and gives no credit to men mixed up in the crowd of homogeneity, rather it applauds distinction and lauds uniqueness... It dines and wines with people who make the difference.


Through the eyes of the wealthy, life is rarely a fairytale,
Through the eye of the poor, life is always a sorry tale...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My take...

No man has the monopoly of a fully fledged intelligence...


No man has the monopoly of a fully fledged intelligence...
Behind every successful man is a network; of failures that have taught him and shaped his thinking pattern; of successes that have inspired him-both failures and successes either people or circumstances- and most importantly
A network of relevant and positive relationships and partnerships that engineered and inspired his successes and stayed strong during his failures...

Monday, December 27, 2010


Wisdom is an irritant to the foolish mind,
a state of confusion to the unwise mind,
a breath of fresh air to the wise mind...


Ignorance is an insult on the intelligence of the wise.

Friday, December 24, 2010

My take...

Better to be an eagle than a chicken
Sometimes, it is wise to fly alone than to die en masse...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My take...

Wisdom is not always attired in the finest of garments
or necessarily found with men bejewelled in ornaments...
Not every man poorly attired
bespeaks an unwise mind or a lazy hand.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My thought about you...

Who says you are dispensable? Truth is... YOU ARE INDISPENSABLE..
You are a unique idea and one of a kind... Stop behaving like a mass product!

My take...

If you get into so many conflicts with different people in a day,everyday, sit back and audit your actions in each situation. You will be suprised to learn this... YOU are 80% responsible for every problem faced in each conflict or situation... Deal with it!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I am my own friend
I am my own foe
Whatever I turn out to be
Is up to me and... ME
So I shall be more of a friend to me
And less of an enemy
Because when the future starts to reckon
I shall be the product of my imagination...

Monday, December 20, 2010

My take...

You are your own brand and the world is your marketplace- sell YOURSELF, stand OUT!

My take on this...

An untrained mind 'looks' through its human eye,a trained mind 'sees' through its mind's eye